Swedish Doula Agency by Doulamamman

Childbirth education

When you want knowledge and guidance, but don’t feel the need for a complete doula package.

Before birth

Childbirth education

A 5 to 6 hours class to prepare you
for giving birth. (two meetings)

5 900 kr

After birth

We will guide you and help you find your conficence as a parent.

From 850 kr/ hour


After birth
Infant feeding

Support in feeding your baby the way you wish to do it, by bottle, breast or both.

from 400 kr/ hour

Have a slice of our knowledge! The classes are adjusted to suit your wants, needs and wishes.

We welcome clients around Stockholm and for online requests.

Doulamamman ger amningstips.

Childbirth education
Before birth

A childbirth education class that takes place in the comfort of your own home for around 5 to 6 hours (two meetings). You will receive the knowledge and tools to help you trust your ability and your body’s ability to give birth. Take control over your birth, together with your partner or support person!

All of our doula packages include our childbirth education.

The following is included:

  • The process of labor - we will cover the different stages of labor, pain relieving methods and hospital routines
  • Birth plan - together we will go through how and what to write in your birth plan
  • Feelings and emotions - we will adres what comes up during our conversation to make you feel as safe and prepared as possible. By using our wide range of knowledge we hope to create a strong sense of safety and increase your ability of working as a team to take on the upcoming birthday
  • The confident birth method - we will cover the four tools described in the book, both theoretically and practically to understand the physiology behind birth. We will practice how to listen to your body and its signals and also how the support person can be as helpful as possible. We will also practice pressure points, massages and different types of touch that work as pain relief. 
  • Spinning baby/active baby - a series of easy, physical exercises that are used to give the baby the chance to get into an optimal position before birth. They can give you both pain relief during pregnancy and also increase the chances for a smoother birth. You will practice them so that you can use them both before and during birth for optimal positioning of the baby.
  • Infant feeding - we will cover different ways to feed your baby and talk about your wishes and wants.
  • Postpartum and the fourth trimester - we will talk about and make a plan for the first months at home with your new baby.
  • Ear acupressure according to the NADA-method - to help get your body balanced before birth

Price: 5 900 kronor
The wellness reimbursement can be used, as stated by Skatteverket.

To become a parent

After birth


It’s not rare to find parenting challenging - I am here to help you find confidence in your role!

You are the best parent for your child!

Depending on what challenges you face it can be of great help to talk to people in the same situation or get a professional view on what is going on. Anneli has 30 years of experience with coaching and supporting parents and kids from birth up until they start school and she offers:

  • Coaching after home-coming 

    Now everyone has the chance to receive support immediately after birth, physically or digitally (depeding on where you live). This is a service that secures you during the first six weeks of child care, where we can coach you in the questions and concerns that arise. The content is adapted to what you need!

    Examples of content:
    - Emotional support: Raising self-esteem as parents
    - Listen, discuss and talk through the birth experience, thoughts and feelings
    - Shape and support good daily routines immediately after birth
    - Support in feeding and breastfeeding / bottle feeding
    - Explore sleep patterns and develop sustainable nighttime routines
    - Postpartum plan
    - Advice, tips, coaching and professional support

    Together we help you find confidence in your parenting!

    Price: 1500 kronor / 2h (1h =850 kronor)

    Current from 0-6 weeks after birth

  • Postpartum group

    The fourth trimester is called the first time after birth, it can be a big adjustment for both baby and parents. It is also a period where many parents feel alone and insecure in all the new things. The advice can be many and difficult to navigate. In our work as doulas, we see that the need for nuanced information, support and community is great during this period of life, therefore we are now launching a new concept - Postpartum groups.

    During four meetings, we meet to socialize and immerse ourselves in various themes that belong to the fourth trimester, such as breastfeeding, sleep, connection, the role of parents, etc. We talk, share thoughts and raise questions. The aim of the group is for you parents to feel mirrored in each other and strengthened in your parenting. We will stay in a wonderful floor in the center of Stockholm, where there are different rooms for the possibility of privacy if needed. This will be our pilot group and this time we are targeting new first-time parents with babies 0-6 months. It is possible to register alone or as a couple.

    Location: Artillerigatan 6, Stockholm
    Time: Approx. 3h on 4 occasions
    Dates: New dates coming up!
    Coffee and sandwich included!

    We who keep the group together are Anneli and Cornelia. You can read more about us under the team here on the website and on Instagram @doulamamman and @doula.cornelia.

    Price: 1200 kronor or 2000 kronor / pair.

  • Individual support until age 5

    Your child's development goes through many different phases and it can be very comforting to get support and reassurance to help you on your journey.

    Together we will evaluate and make sure you get the support that you need.

    Price: 850 kronor/hour.

    For babies 0-3 months, see postpartum doula.
Doulamamman håller bebis mot axeln.
Doulamamman hjälper till vid amning.

Infant feeding
Before and after birth

Our doula Hanna is in charge of the infant feeding education and consults.

Hanna herself says that she has a passion for infant feeding. No matter how the parents chooses to feed their baby she wants them to feel supported and comfortable with their decision. To have a pleasant and functioning way to feed your baby is a crucial part of life as a new parent and Hanna wants to contribute her knowledge and experience to make that happen.

  • Infant feeding preparation class
    The educational class is included in our Premium package.

    There are many things to learn as a new parent, and a lot of the time during the first couple of weeks or months revolve around making sure that the new family member is eating properly. Whether you choose to feed your baby by bottle, breast (or both!) your chances of successful and pleasant meal times increase rapidly if you have knowledge and understanding of the do's and don'ts . This also sets you up for a closer connection and a happier baby.

    That is why we offer an infant feeding education where we cover the essentials of breastfeeding and/or paced bottle feeding before the baby is born. We will meet in the comfort of your home for a 1,5 hour private consultation focusing on how to successfully feed your baby in a way that is comfortable for you. 

    Examples of what is included:

    • Understanding of the physiology behind breast feeding, how it works and what you can do to optimize a good supply
    • Information about the first feedings and what you can do to give you and your baby the best start on your breastfeeding journey
    • Information on paced bottle feeding, how to apply it and why it is beneficial
    • How to favor a good connection between the baby and a parent that is not breast feeding
    • An individual plan on how to increase the chances of a successful feeding according to your wants and needs

    Price: 1500 SEK

  • Infant feeding consultation

It is very common to experience difficulties or problems with breastfeeding after birth, and if you get proper and professional support early your chances of success increase rapidly. We offer infant feeding consultations by phone, online or in the comfort of your own home depending on the issues you are experiencing. 

You will get advice and knowledge tailored to your situation and the problems you are experiencing, together with the emotional support that many new parents lack. Some experience a relief after just one meeting while others need a plan of more follow up visits or sessions over the phone.

Price: from 400 kr/h, after a free 15 minute phone consultation

Additional costs for travel may occur.

Contact us!
Submit your email and we will get in touch with you